
2016-09-29 行為は言葉よりも雄弁



ハーバード大学のエーミ・カディ教授によれば、逆もそうです。というのは、人々の非言語的な行動が本人にも強力なインパクトを与えています。ただ、座るまたは立つ姿勢を変えるだけで、自分自身がもっと自信を感じられてきて、もっとリスクを負うようになる傾向があるそうです。信じがたいでしょう。しかし、カディ教授のTED Talkの説明によると、繰り返した実験で、被験者が姿勢を変えるだけで、自信感を刺激するホロモンの分泌が増えたそうです。


10:19 ~ 11:35 mins.

So this is what we did. We decided to bring people into the lab and run a little
(1) __________, and these people adopted, for two minutes, either high-power poses or low-power poses, and I'm just going to show you five of the (2) __________, although they took on only two. So here's one. A couple more. This one has been dubbed the "Wonder Woman" by the media. Here are a couple more. So you can be standing or~ you can be (3) __________. And here are the low-power poses. So you're folding up, you're making yourself small. This one is very low-power. When you're touching your neck, you're really (4) __________ yourself.

So this is what (5) __________. They come in, they spit into a vial, for two minutes, we say, "You need to do this or this." They don't look at pictures of the poses. We don't want to prime them with a (6) __________ of power. We want them to be feeling power. So two minutes they do this. We then ask them, "How powerful do you feel?" on a series of (7) __________, and then we give them an opportunity to gamble, and then we take another saliva sample. That's it. That's the whole experiment.

So this is what we find. Risk tolerance, which is the (8) __________, we find that when you are in the high-power pose condition, 86 percent of you will gamble. When you're in the low-power pose condition, only 60 percent, and that's a whopping significant
(9) __________.

Here's what we find on testosterone. From their baseline when they come in, high-power people (10) __________ about a 20-percent increase, and low-power people experience about a 10-percent decrease. So again, two minutes, and you get these (11) __________. Here's what you get on cortisol. High-power people experience about a 25-percent decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15-percent increase. So two minutes lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically be either assertive, (12) __________ and comfortable, or really stress-reactive, and (13) __________ sort of shut down. And we've all had the feeling, right? So it seems that our nonverbals do (14) __________ how we think and feel about ourselves, so it's not just others, but it's also ourselves. Also, our bodies change our (15) __________.

1.experiment      2. poses              3. sitting               4. protecting       5. happens  
6. concept          7. items                8. gambling           9. difference      10. experience         
11. changes       12.confident        13.feeling              14. govern          15. minds

© 2016 Joseph Gabriella, Ph.D., MBA. All rights reserved. 無断転用禁止。

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